Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Comedy = Tragedy + Time?

If so, I'm set. But if not...

Comedy mystifies me. I had write three poems for Creative Writing, and I used that to help flesh out both my comedy and tragedy ideas. I have to be honest, I'm more comfortable making people UNcomfortable or surprised with brutality than I am trying to be funny. 

Right now I'm leaning toward doing the comedy idea only because comedy scares me the most, and at least it will be best to see if I should pursue it at school rather than in the real world. Well, that and I know the characters better than the horror. 

The problem is... it deals a drunk fairy godmother as the main character. But you need a human anchor or else it's hard to be invested. And since I'm not on Pixar's level of amazing, I need to have a human supporting character to even out the inhuman/human dynamic. As more characters come into the picture... I get worried that there are too many. I just don't want to get lost. 

My goal is to finish my treatment for BBBullshit by tomorrow. 

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