Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cheerleaders in leather

So it's tough getting attached to a story idea and then having to change it... but big whoop it's a part of the process. When you get too close to something it's hard to see what's wrong-- and yeah, learning to step back... buh.

Anyway, there are a few paths on the table and I've got a limited about of time to make them. I don't want to keep it strictly as it is-- since... well, that's like taking advice and throwing it away, and that's not what this is about. The S&M aspect-- while it's not an add-on, it's not the focus... so...

So either we make it the focus and ramp up the ridiculousness-- or I can marathon a few John Hughes movies. While the ridiculous would be amazingly fun (refer to the title of this post) I'm not sure how long I would be able to sustain that. I mean-- after a while wouldn't people just get tired, being all "I get it, the whole town is hiding S&M dungeons in their basement, can we move on?"

Or we can... get rid of the S&M and... make it... a high school romance. Which is what this film is, at its core. I realize it's not bad to... be able to see similarities between this idea and others. It's a little irksome but meh, it happens. And it means that you're on the right track to something commercial. Ish. Also, the first draft of the beat sheet had zero potential to sell . I mean, I knew this from the get-go... but still. It was fun.

Then there's the option of switching the protagonist-- an problem I've had so many times. That... could work if I kept in the S&M with the high school setting... or it couldn't. So many choices.

I'll take a breather on it, not look too closely, and just see what floats to the surface in the next few days.

I've been drowning myself in weird horror. Take a look, but make sure you're alone/not in a work/school environment when you click on this...

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