Thursday, May 9, 2013

Vocab word of the week

This week has been a slow but more sure progress when it comes to writing. It's not just forcing it out, vomiting across the page and shrugging. Will it be perfect? No way. But at least now I'm not... turning in something that I know is absolute crap. I have invested more thought into this draft. 

The week has been... busy. Lots of meetings, lots of assignments to cram in before Friday. I'm going to Rochester to visit my best friend. It's going to be crazy, there's a Gatsby themed party and I'll be rocking out in 21st century clothes. Oops. 

On a more personal note... graduation and it's not going as smoothly as I would like. I wanted the last term to be a fun montage, instead it's troublesome. I'll get through it. It will make me stronger. 

The vocabulary term for this week is Ombusperson. 

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