Monday, January 30, 2012

Mad Men

It's not like I need another show to watch, but Caleigh decided to ruin my life and let me watch Mad Men on her Netflix account. So here I am-- Chrome window playing Mad Men and a Word Doc for my beat sheet staring me in the face. And now a window for this blog update. So many windows.

The beat sheet is a whore and a half. But I'm so going to finish it.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Music keeps my heart beating

I remember a professor asking if the screenwriters used music and I think I was the most adamant about needing it to write. It's a part of the process-- music is just another way of telling a story. All kinds-- I mean, from Lady Gaga to John Williams-- there are so many great tracks out there just waiting to be used as one way to make a note about a scene.

Okay so I might be listening to Michael Giacchino. Judge me. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

So here is this blog. It's a pretty new blog. Actually, some would argue that it is brand new. Or all of them... would argue that.

There we go. I broke a champagne bottle-- this blog is officially starting.